1.That gives the body enough food to be available as an energy source but not so much that you'll have an upset stomach.
2."I got an upset stomach, and I did not feel rested at all, " He said. "The end of the holiday felt like the end of the world. "
3.When he returned to his seat, he said he had an upset stomach and pulled a blanket over himself.
4.Racing heart, nausea, upset stomach, and tremors are just a few things you can experience during an anxiety attack.
5.It's also important to avoid foods you know will trigger your upset stomach. For many, this can include spicy foods, caffeine and dairy.
6.Alcohol is also a form of poison, so your upset stomach is a sign that your body is reacting against what it sees as an attempt to kill it.
7.Don "t let an upset stomach, or a headache to spoil your holiday, take a small supply of medicine with you. "
8.Physical symptoms include muscle tension, sweaty palms, upset stomach, shortness of breath, feelings of faintness, and a pounding heart.
9.Well, that could be an upset stomach from overeating. Allergic to any drugs?
10.What's more, women are more likely to report physical manifestations of stress like upset stomach, muscular tension and appetite change.